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My Love Story

Before I met my husband Mark I had quite the dating experience. I found myself from one relationship to another which all shared a common theme. I would meet a man, fall in love and thought it would lead to marriage but soon enough ended in a broken heart. Then it was back to the drawing board and repeat again.

I even put love on the back burner and remained single for a quick breather, which then turned into years. But, why?! I was able to attain everything else in life except for that special someone. I was tired, apathetic and rather disappointed by relationships. Nonetheless, my heart’s desire for long lasting love always persisted.  

I felt it was time to take personal responsibility and commit myself to love. I embraced my singlehood and continued on the path of personal growth. I prioritized my mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing by working closely with my personal therapist, counselors and mentors.

I increased my self-awareness and worked through my personal hang ups and declared long lasting love was possible for me. I positioned myself to be energetically open and emotionally available to receive love. So with great apprehension I put myself out there and became an active dater!


My mindset and heart became in total alignment to attract in the one. I finally felt more in control of my love life than I ever imagined.

I’m sure you can relate to my story. We all want love, right?! If you are anything like me, you’ve also experienced a fair share of heart breaks that have left you mentally and emotionally burnt out. You’ve probably even secretly thrown in the towel with dating, relationships, and even love because it’s just easier that way. Or, you find yourself attracting men who are non-committal, emotionally unavailable and who are just not ready for love. You have no more time to waste in your busy life with this complicated thing called love.

I’m here to tell you it doesn’t have to be that way…  

​I’ve been exactly where you are. I totally get it. Since then, I’ve had many women ask me how did I met such a great guy (amazing, if you ask me)?! Well I knew I had to tell my story and teach woman exactly what I did.

I want share with you my version of dating. It has not only worked for me but other women experience real love while also improving every other area in their life. It’s called Deliberate Dating!


…Finally, on April 15th, 2012, I met the man of my dreams from an online dating site. We met in Manhattan Beach, California at a restaurant near the pier. After our first date, I knew there was something special. A year later we were engaged at the same pier where we first met. And the year following, we were married and soon after a baby girl!

Here’s the thing, when you are ready to take a deliberate approach on your love life, you'll experience a deep personal transformation which will leave no room but to attract true and lasting love. I promise you!

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